Behavior Modification Therapy

Behavior Modification Therapy While Receiving Speech Therapy

Although Breakthrough Therapy focuses on Speech and OT, while referring those cases out who are truly in  need of separate Behavior Modification Therapy, our Speech Therapists have reported that understanding the core concepts and having the ability to utilize behavior modification techniques in a speech (or OT) session for that matter is an absolute must and surely a plus for the student, the therapist, and ultimately, the child’s growth and development.

The reality is that temper tantrums are “par for the course” when working with children on or off the spectrum.  Hence, as a Breakthrough Speech Therapist, our values insure the use of positive, not negative techniques of reinforcement and rewards.   There is no true “time out” in the individual or group therapy sessions, but rather, we employ techniques that manage and prevent out of control behaviors.  Some of the methods our staff is reminded to use, especially when there has been an emotional “day,” include, in part:

Always Smile and Reward the Positive:

Verbally recognize the good children do to inspire all the children to follow the positive behavior that is occurring. And of course, reinforce the positive!

If – Then Statements: Our students (your children) are treated with the utmost kindness and respect…Nothing is more powerful than knowing what your child (our patient) really enjoys and then providing a situation where he or she can win!  Simply using a passionate and well-informed if-then statement can be a powerful mechanism.

“If you do this ____, then you can ____.”

Interrupt their pattern…”Remove them from the Activity…but Not from the Room: The policy is never to physically “isolate” a child. Instead, turn them around or not let them participate for the rest of the activity. Walking them into a “soft area” and allowing time to “calm down in a safe place” works when group therapy is underway.

Model Good Behavior: Adults and/or peers demonstrate appropriate behavior, providing others with a tangible model of what is expected.

Ignore the Bad Behavior so long as no one can get hurt.

If you are looking for treatment for a child in need of speech or language therapy, occupational therapy, or if your child is living with a serious delay, disabilities, or Autism, contact Breakthrough Therapy Services of South Florida at (954) 474-8048. Contact our warm and friendly staff for a tour of our facility or to schedule your child’s evaluation today and be sure to bookmark our site and visit us for frequent updates.

Want to get involved and help? Follow us on Twitter (@autismbroward) or Like us on Facebook and join the conversation!  We have earned a well-deserved reputation for excellence in Davie, Fort Lauderdale, Cooper City, Plantation, and all of Broward County.